Love vs Infatuation
I read Cynthia's blog titled Love vs Infatuation and it made me think for a little while as to how much all of us comprehend what love even means. What is the demarcation of love and infatuation? I have to admit that I still do not know despite all the times that I have been in a relationship. Infatuation could stem from the love of the same song or the dislike of the same colour but it definitely takes more than that to create the sensation of love betwen two people.
Infatuation hits us hard and it often occurs during the first few meets, where people term it as 'love at first sight'. There is no such thing, there is lust at first sight but never love. There is like at first sight and then there is just plain infatuation. I have tried hard to understand but I guess I always screw it up, not being able to differentiate the true meaning behind those two words. On my last post, very little people know what it is all about and thus I can guess who actually put those last two comments. I do not blame anyone. I know that I only have myself to blame.
What the hell is love anyway. Is it convenience? Is it the butterflies in your stomach that you get when you get close to someone? Is it the feeling of wanting to live together for the rest of your life? Is it the mutual understanding and respect and space given to each other? Does all that constitute to being love? Honestly, I do not know. To be in love, I guess, we have to fall in love, and falling in love takes time to understand each other and accept what the other party has to offer. I have always been straight forward with my feelings when it comes to my blog and I guess that there is no need hiding as everyone miraculously know what happened to me in the course of my stay in Melbourne. I do not wish for sympathy or anyone to understand me. I just need 'you' to understand. I just need 'you' to know why I did what I did. I know that I have been cruel to you and what I did was indeed selfish but is being selfish always wrong?
You asked me for a reason as to why I did what I did. It's the feeling that hit me so hard that I do not have a clear and undistorted view of what the future will bring for us and I do not want to continue dragging you down this path. I am trying to be rational and fair but all I get is judgments and criticism from people. Tell me this, should I drag on something which I know will not have a happy ending? Is that a noble act? Will that make me selfless?
There will be no more posts for quite some time but that is rarely the case is it not? I do not know what I wish to achieve anymore and for everyone who cares, thank you and for those who do not understand, try not to because I do not as well. Take care everyone.
To those who wishes to lash out at me, feel free. My blog has always been an avenue and platform for people to tell me how much I suck. Only thing that I ask for is for you to leave your name so maybe the next time I see you or hear from you, I can ask for your forgiveness and maybe even tell you why I did what I did when I truly understand the whole situation myself. To all my friends, try not to accuse me for being an ass if you wish to only hear one side of the story.
To 'you', I am sorry. Do not for an instance think that I do not appreciate what you have given me. Maybe they were right all along, I am a sucker for losing out.
To my friends who still, maybe, kinda, hopefully, doubtfully have my back, thank you. For those who thinks that I am an asshole, please take care and hope that you guys will be able to see things from a different side.